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Monday, April 20, 2009

Our assignment April 20-24

I am so proud of y'all getting your blogs created and doing your first two posts. OK, so most of you anyway. Let's make this the week we complete our assignment early and have free time for the lab! I am really enjoying each and everyone of your music selections too!

This weeks prompts are:

1. Write a "Roses are Red" poem about an old photograph. Your poem should express jealousy.

*Roses are Red, Violets are blue...

2. Finish the following story starter: "I'd rather be anywhere but here, " said the detective as everyone clapped. *Be sure to set up your setting, plot and climax to the story*

3. Find an online article about the Middle East. Cut and Paste it into your post. Then write your opinion about the article. Why did you agree or disagree? What based on the information we have learned in class about that region, made you have those feelings?

4. Imagine that you have been put in charge of the school lunch for one week. Create a menu that is for the whole week. Write the recipe for a dessert, from scratch. *For example, if Chocolate Chip Cookies are your favorite, then what would we need to bake them here.*

5. Imagine that you are the Principal of Sage *Mr. P needs a vacation*. What rules would you change and why? Make a list and provide a detailed description of the "new" rules. Be sure to tell us which rules your rules replace and how they will be enforced. Make sure that they are rules that all kids can follow.

Your assignment is: You have to complete TWO of the writing prompts above. As a reward, those who finish both prompts do not have to do the writing prompt on page 177 of our Unit 28 handout. You must use at least five words from your basic, review and Challenge listed on the handout.
Now that you have read this, it's time to get to writing. Remember the lab is for the writing and your side bar is for home or during designated "free time". Do NOT ruin it for the rest. OK Off you go! ~claps hands~

17 Students had something to say!:

graffiti said...

this is isai checking in.

graffiti said...

this is isai checking in.

Fernando said...

ms lines finished with assignments

valentinmena135 said...

this is valentin just saying hello.

qUtiErrEz15 said...

hey, jSzt dRopiNq bY tO sAy wHatz uP???

ashleysdomeblog said...

Hey ms lines ive almost finished all five blogs.

jade-the-fox-gueen said...

I'm dane, and could you send the meez link to madison987654321@yahoo.com

Manny Pacquiao Apprentice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Manny Pacquiao Apprentice said...

finish with both blogs

JurassicParkFan218 said...

i hate homework

JurassicParkFan218 said...

I still hate homework

joshua said...

Hey ms. lines it's me josh you look great today. I think you are a good teacher.

Anonymous said...

hey its treven. i like doing this. it is fun. thank u for letting us do this.

<3~Jessi~<3 said...

heyyy its jessi

JurassicParkFan218 said...

it's michael i hate homework.

kylejoesph11 said...

Ms.Lines i am done with teh assignment.It was 9-3-09

Ben(bob the builder Jr.) said...

Hey Ms. Lines what's up, sorry it took me so long to get this done.